Monday, December 26, 2011

25 Days of Christmas for My Husband // Complete!

Wow, 25 Days of Christmas for Adam was a challenge! But I am so glad I did it. The most challenging was trying to stick to a plan…I didn’t succeed. If you have been following my updates, you already know how many of my plans fell through because of changes in Adam’s schedule or other uncontrollable events. However, the motive to show love and appreciation for my husband was still evident, and he enjoyed it. 

(Update: Here are posts one, two and three of this series.)

In case you were keeping track for ideas, here are the last days’ gifts:

Day 15: Take a treat to work.

Day 16: Early Christmas gift (a couple of things he needed sooner than later)

Day 17: Scavenger Hunt (I was out of town this weekend so I left him clues and notes around the house)

Day 18: Text Messages while I was away

Day 19: Redeem his Scavenger Hunt Prize

Day 20: Foot Massage

Day 21: His pick to do anything he wanted!

Day 22: Show up at his work with lunch

Day 23: Open one gift

Day 24: Open a second gift

Day 25: Open final gift

I need to explain the last three days…At the start of the month Adam and I took a look at finances and decided we weren’t going to spend money on a bunch of gifts. So as I made plans for his 25 Days of Christmas, I plotted ways to get him gifts with very little money out of pocket. Thinking we weren’t going to have a big day of gift-opening on Christmas, I decided to space out when he would receive the gifts to make the joy of giving/receiving last longer. 

However, God blessed us and we ended up with a little extra money. Adam decided to do some shopping for me and he chose to wait until Christmas to open his gifts so we could do it together. In the busyness of the week, I didn’t even think to re-plan those last few days of Christmas for him. But he didn’t mind. We were spending more time together and that’s what mattered. J

The whole 25 Days of Christmas process has helped me realize how much the little things matter.  Just taking a little extra effort to do something special for my husband goes a long way. Even though Christmas is over, I will continue to shower my Adam with the love and appreciation he deserves. Looking forward to an even stronger marriage in the New Year…