Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Spring Cleaning Sprints // Week Five Assignments

This is the last week of my Spring Cleaning Sprints – I hope to make it a good one! Here is what’s on my to-do list:

Weeknight Spruce
Wipe down door handles and light switches
How often do you think to do this? I never do. Oh the germs! Time to sanitize the things we touch most around the house.

Saturday Sweep
Wipe down baseboards
It has been years since I have done this one. Mostly because we live in an apartment. I always think, maybe this year we will move and I will clean the baseboards when all the stuff is out. Then we sign another lease and stay another year and the boards are gathering more and more dust…

Dust furniture, shelves, fans and blinds
I dust furniture often. Fans and blinds are not fun to do…but I do appreciate clean air. Thankfully I have a Swiffer duster that makes some dust jobs easier. For sticky dust – a warm water and vinegar mix might do the trick.

Quickie Purge
Get rid of five things – hopefully more than that!

Peaceful Pause
Spend at least 30 minutes refreshing you.
My stack of books to read is growing. I better schedule more time by my favorite reading window so I can make my way through them!