But the Bible is God’s living
Word to me! I must and I want to make
it habit to read, study, understand
His Word DAILY.
So I decided to journal as I read. My resolution is to
commit to at least four days a week of study and journaling. So far I’ve
completed a journal entry each day Monday through Friday. And I love it!
The method I am using is the SOAP
journaling method. Here’s what it is in case you want to check it out: (Note:
This is my own summary of the process. The original instructions can be found HERE.)
Following the SOAP
acrostic, start with:
Read a passage from the Bible and allow God to speak to you
about what you are reading. Record the passage or a particular verse God shows
you in your journal.
Think about what God is saying in this scripture. Paraphrase
the scripture to solidify its meaning, or jot down your first impressions.
Write down how this scripture can apply to you specifically
in life right now.
Write a prayer reflecting on the scripture and asking God to
help you apply His Word each day.
Like I said, I really enjoy this method! I am simply reading
straight through the Bible (with THIS plan). Each day I am excited to see what
God is saying to me. Since I am writing things down, I am always thinking,
“What does this mean? What am I to do about this?” I’ve discovered I cannot get
through a reading session without a concordance to look up original Hebrew
words…this furthers my understanding of God’s Word even more.
What about you….are you in God’s Word every day? Have you
found a reading plan or study method that works for you? I challenge you to
take a walk through the Bible with me this year. We can encourage each other
and I believe you will be blessed by His daily Word!
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