Copyright 2012 Valerie Lynn Jones |
Oh the beauty of flexibility.
I'd describe being flexible as the ability to bend without being broken. This pretty much sums up my 2012.
I started the year with plans; I am a planner. And I ended the year with very few fulfilled expectations, but a wonderful outpouring of God's grace that bent me past my expectations into much greater things.
I pray for more of this in 2013.
Of course I still make lists and I plan and I encourage myself forward with goals. Practicality is important. But I do not trust my lists, goals or actions to make me better. They are not the rock on which I build my life. My God is and His will always supersedes mine. Flexibility to follow His lead is the key that unlocks the joy of unknown treasures. These are a few of my unexpected treasures in 2012:
- My husband got a promotion
- My volunteer position at the women's prison
- A new (bigger!) home
- Growth in marriage
- Restored/new relationships
- New experiences (Tough Mudder; first theme park with Adam)
- Exceeding my fitness goals
As we turn into 2013, many people are making resolutions and setting goals. If you are looking for ideas on how to set resolutions, check out my posts from last year. They are totally applicable no matter what year it is!
Getting Ready for a New Year
Tips for Resolutions
I believe making resolutions is a positive practice because it requires self-assessment. Done in partnership with God, self-assessment is beneficial for growth in every area of life. It can be too easy to simply go with the flow and let life happen. God has given us the ability to make choices, and I believe in making choices to hear His voice, follow His lead and advance His kingdom!
This is precisely why I suggest making resolutions, but with a humble willingness to be flexible. God's timing is often not our own and He is known for moving suddenly!
So here are my resolutions for 2013:
- Joyfully expect God to move me, even bend me. As I gladly submit to Him, I know whatever surprise changes come, I will not be broken.
- Read the Bible daily and memorize at least six new verses/passages of Scripture.
- More reflection, at least weekly; continue to record Gifts in my journal.
- Ask myself this question more: What does my husband need from me to feel loved (respected) today, this week, this month...?
- Plan trips to visit family.
- Learn one new recipe per month.
- Schedule one photo day per month for experimenting, learning new techniques, or just photo therapy.
- Sign up for at least two races to keep me reaching new levels of fitness.
I hope you have a blessed, productive and joyful year. Happy 2013!
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