Every day I'm thankful -- I just wish I'd remember to write my thanks down more often! I started back up with my One Thousand Gifts journal this week. Here are some recent ones in honor of the Thanksgiving Holiday (which should be everyday...)
247. A new adventure as husband and wife - moving!
250. Many repairs, assembling furniture and learning to love orange walls.
253. Little red flowers growing by the creek.
256. Sports decor in the spare room.
257. Running with a friend and her little one.
260. A child reading a book to me.
262. The gift of six chairs and a table.
263. Beautiful inmates dancing in appreciation and worshipping God.
264. Bonding with a friend during a car ride.
265. Snuggling in the cold.
267. An 8 mile run and wanting more.
269. Sweet family time over the holiday - both sides!
271. A church family that gives and loves as family should.
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