It's taken me a while to put this together, but it was worth it. After seeing the idea on Pinterest, I decided I wanted to display some old handwritten family recipes in my dining room. My family searched our through cookbooks for family recipe cards and we found a few that I thought would be perfect in frames.
Honestly, I will probably never make these recipes! But each of them have a story. I also love the handwriting - just a small but personal touch that represents various family members. As a whole, my new recipe wall reminds me of my heritage: a long line of hardworking individuals who devoted themselves to caring for and celebrating their families (often using food!).
A view straight on: Four hand-written recipes, old wooden spoons (from my maternal Grandma) in a mason jar, and an awesome metal floral-cut-out wall hanging that I found in a yard sale.
A glimpse of my paternal Grandma's "Pink Stuff" (cranberry mousse) recipe, which the family usually has every Thanksgiving. Also pictured is my maternal Great Grandma's chicken & rice recipe.
This is a fruit cake recipe that belonged to my Great Grandma, but was written by my Uncle when he was a young boy. The spelling errors are precious. And I especially love the sentiment at the end: "Good Luck!"
The corner of my dining area, now complete! :)
great idea! It's looking good :) We moved into a house on this recent move, but I let the hubby do all the decorating since I don't have a very artistic eye!
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