Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Book Review // One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

I loved this book! In the midst of schedules, conflicts, clutter and chaos…this book was refreshing. Ann Voskamp uses her own personal exploration for the “why” in life’s circumstances to demonstrate the Biblical truth that Thanksgiving leads to Joy. It was touching to read of her painful experiences and the way God touched her heart, revealing glimpses of Himself little by little to draw her into fullness of joy. I enjoyed how the narrative followed her thoughts, ponderings, searchings, interjected with anecdotes from her life. I wouldn't always agree with her conclusions (if there were any conclusive ends to her searching) but that's not the point of the book....

This is the story of God desiring to delight in us and us in Him. Ann’s journey helped me see my life in a new way…identifying God in the big and the small; the happy and the painful. He is always with me, all around me, do I take the time to notice? And then to praise Him? Doing so leads to joy. And so now I am counting my One Thousand Gifts in a small notebook that goes everywhere with me, just in case I see something, feel something and am reminded in that moment of God’s love for me. To have fullness of Joy!

If you are curious to learn more, you can visit www.OneThousandGifts.com or Ann Voskamp’s personal blog: www.AHolyExperience.com