Friday, March 16, 2012

Trying Something New // Growing Onions in Water

I found this idea on Pinterest and thought it was fascinating. Of course I had to try!

I used some green onions in my quinoa tabbouleh a few weeks ago, but instead of tossing out the white roots, I stuck them in a glass of water. Here they are on day one:

Day One
 After a few days they started to shoot up!

Day Four
Only a few more days later, they are just about ready to be used again. Wow!

Day Nine
The only negatives I see so far are that the onions are not growing back as big and thick as they were originally. That’s fine…I still have a free bunch of onions. Also, right at first there was a STRONG onion smell in our office! Haha! We don’t have a balcony or patio area, so I have to keep all my plants inside. I’m not sure I will do this indefinitely, but I read other bloggers who have grown onions 4 or 5 times from the same roots. So cool!


Lisa Adele said... Reply to Comment

We tried this too... the onions do seem to come back very puny... more like chives than green onion...also maybe I needed to change the water more often, but it seems to always smell kinda icky...

Valerie said... Reply to Comment

@Lisa Adele I keep forgetting to change the water too! I still have some growing, but can't decide whether to keep them. The smell isn't too bad any more (or maybe we are used it?) haha