Friday, August 31, 2012

Blue Moon

My mom sent me a text that tonight would be a blue moon and perhaps I would want to take a picture. Blue moons really aren't any different from regular full moons...except that they are the second full moon within a month. And I do think that is pretty special.

So I decided to peek out the blinds to see what this blue moon did to our night sky.

I love the detailed silhouette of the trees across the pond and the silver lining of the tiny cloud above. Beautiful details you can only see in the dark, with a borrowed light, like that of a blue full moon.

The moon only gets its light from the sun and shines brightest when the sun has gone away. What did I just read earlier? "You can only see your light is shining when you are standing in the dark."

I remember, God never leaves us in the dark. He leaves his Son in us. A borrowed light to shine in the darkest of places.

Even with the waxing and the waning of the moon, its phases, its seasons, the darkness only lasts for the briefest of moments. More light, then less light. A brief dimming in order to rest, restore or maybe transform - yes, become new. The new moon is the darkest moment, before it waxes to reflect the borrowed light again.

And are we not made for seasons too?

Then the fuller we get, the more beauty that is revealed. Not from our light - from borrowed light - and the willingness to stand in dark places.

Lord, may I never miss the beauty Your light reveals in the darkness. And thank You for blue moons - those second chances to shine brightest...

Monday, August 27, 2012

Deals // Operation Christmas Child

My church has been posting deals and collecting items for Operation Christmas Child for about a month now. We have a nice pile of pencils, erasers, pens, water colors, crayons, markers, rulers and notepads ready to pack into boxes! The deals are still coming too.

If you are just now getting started, check out my previous posts about Operation Christmas Child. It is a great ministry opportunity to share the Gospel with children around the world, while blessing them with basic essentials for everyday life.

Here are some deals for this week:

(Remember, all deals are adapted from Please check your local ad as prices may vary store to store.)

o  12” Ring Binder Ruler 6¢
o  Paper Mate Pink Pearl Erasers 3pk 75¢
o  Paper Mate Retractable Pens $1
o  Schoolio Colored Pencils 24-pk $1

o  Bic Mechanical Pencils 5-pk 50¢ (limit 2)
o  12” Plastic Ruler 50¢ (limit 2)
o  3" x 4.25" memo pad with magnetic closure, 60 sheets $1

     With $5 minimum purchase…
o  #2 Yellow Pencils 8-pk 1¢ (limit 4)
o  Cap Erasers 12-pk 1¢ (limit 4)
o  Slider Pencil Box 1¢ (limit 4)

o  Wexford Legal Pad 5×8 in. or 8.5×11.75 in., 50 sheets, 49¢ (w/ in-ad coupon, limit 3)
o  Wexford or Penway, Carry All Pouch, 99¢ (w/ in-ad coupon, limit 3)
o  School Supplies Box, 99¢ (w/ in-ad coupon, limit 3)
o  Sharpie Highlighters, 4 ct., 99¢ (w/ in-ad coupon, limit 2)
o  Penway Colored Pencils, 12 pk., 79¢ (w/ in-ad coupon, limit 3)
o  Wexford Pencil Sharpener, 50¢ (w/ in-ad coupon, limit 4)

o  Ivory Bar Soap, 10 pk. B1G1 50% Off
Ivory Bar Soap, 10 pk., $4.59 (online price)
Use coupon -.30/1 Ivory found in P&G Insert 7/29 (EXP 08/31)
Use coupon -.30/1 Ivory found in P&G Insert 8/26
(buy (2), use (2) .30/1, makes it $3.14 ea.)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Counting to One Thousand Gifts

#133 - Little turtle with its neck stretched out begging for food

#155 - Sweet fellowship with my in-laws

#164 - A stormy sky painted shades of blue and grey - night and day on one canvas

#173 - Mint chocolate chip milkshake, an indulgent treat suggested by my Adam

#179 - A double rainbow over the prison - a banner of promise

#194 - Witnessing the sacrifice of volunteers

Previous One Thousand Gifts Posts:
My One Thousand Gifts
Counting Gifts
The Gifts Continue

Inspired from the book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Anniversary Celebration // Lessons on Marriage

August 18, 2007    Photo Credit

This past weekend, my Adam and I celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary. In some ways it feels like we have been together forever, but I also cannot believe time passed so quickly!

I love to use milestones to reflect, so I decided to come up with five things I love about my husband and five things I’ve learned about marriage along the way. 

Five Things I Love About Adam

1. He is faithful. Both in his relationship with God and with me. I love that no matter how tired he is, he will get out of bed at the same time every day to read his Bible and pray before starting his day. He loves Truth, devoting himself to the study of what is right and good in God’s eyes. And he mirrors that in our relationship with a constant desire to learn, grow and be a great husband to me.

2. He is passionate. With many things, it is all or nothing for Adam! You won’t see him waste time on things he doesn’t care about. It is his passion that attracted me to him and it is his passion that gets the best of us sometimes! Haha But his zeal for what is right and true, for love and a blessed life…that is what I love. 

3. We can be kids together. I love that in the midst of being responsible adults, I can slide back several years and just be silly with my husband. We will entertain ourselves will childish games and activities. And in those moments we relax together, away from the stresses of the day, having fun just being us.

4. He does not settle for less. This goes hand in hand with being faithful. He won’t take less than the best in our relationship and in our walk with the Lord. I love that he challenges me to grow. He works at things until they are where we need to be, humbles himself to change, leads us to a new place of understanding, makes wise plans for the future and works hard to provide and protect. If he can’t fix it, he brings us both before the Lord to leave it to Him. And his faith is big – bigger than mine at times!

5. He IS my other half. This may seem like an odd one, especially since in marriage “two become one” so it seems like a given. However, I know that couples do not always feel at one. We don’t always feel at one. But more and more, we are getting there. We each have activities that we enjoy on our own, but I have a growing desire to experience them with him as often as possible.  I feel the most at home when Adam is with me (and we could be anywhere), but on my own it is not the same. I love that he is that much a part of me.

August 18, 2007    Photo Credit

Five Lessons on Marriage

1. Marriage is war. It is not a war against one another. At times it feels that way, but that is exactly when we must realize war must be waged on the “spiritual forces of evil” (Eph. 6:12). Marriage between a man and woman is a reflection of God’s desired relationship with His people. Satan’s plan is to defeat any type of covenant between God and people, any intimacy with our Creator, anything holy in our lives… and he attacks marriage fervently because of this. Adam and I are still learning to identify these attacks in our marriage, but once we recognize what is happening, our response is powerful and effective. We turn our anger away from each other and realign ourselves with our covenant in God to proclaim His Truth over the situation. When we fight against the true attacker with God’s power, we are always victorious and our marriage flourishes.

2. Selflessness = Peace Making. I feel lately that God’s calling me out to work on my peacemaking skills. Of course, it is important for both spouses to both be peacemakers but sometimes God works on specifics individually. And I have noticed that the times peace eludes us the most is when we (I) allow selfishness to be present. How can peace thrive in a home where “me” is the focus? God demonstrated love is a sacrifice. Sacrifice. That means something dies for the sake of another. When the needs of another are met first, then there is open giving and receiving, love and respect, security and joy…peace. Momentary selfishness can’t top that.

3. Enjoying each other must be a priority. Life is hard. There is (or isn’t) time, bills, work, responsibilities, places to be, people to talk to, meals to make.... Sometimes at the end of the day we are just two people existing in the same space! It is good to know that fun times together are not a luxury, they are a necessity. And those fun times are so refreshing, so important for intimacy and for staving off that nasty selfish bug. We have to work at it sometimes, but I know we are at our best when we make marriage fun.

4. Good communication is everything (almost). It is a huge thing though.  Good communication wards off poisonous assumptions (you know how easily those can go wild). Making time and space to express what is on our hearts allows us build a secure marriage, learn more about each other, meet each other needs and figure things out quickly. Assumptions do nothing but stir up insecurity, lies and confusion. Adam and I are always learning how to communicate better so we can get to the root of the issue and protect our marriage from the lie that we should just be able to read each others’ minds.

5. God knows what He is doing. I have to admit that there have been days I wondered why God put Adam and I together. Thankfully I can rest in the knowledge that God did in fact put us together. And He knows exactly what He is doing with us. I see that as we grow together…iron sharpening iron…as our spiritual gifts God is shaping and molding us for a perfect purpose, one meant only for us to fulfill. It is exciting and brings hope to frustrating situations. And despite those frustrations, I can genuinely give thanks for the journey of learning to love and enjoy my husband more each year!

The Celebration

Deciding how to celebrate our five years was not easy. We each had different ideas of what to do, so we got to employ the communication and selflessness lessons. ;-) We both quickly “let go” and we ended up with a wonderful anniversary week. I planned a couple little surprises for him including a week of his favorite dinners (and one new recipe) as well as a special dessert treat. He also came up with an afternoon of surprises on a trip out of town (I love to get away)! It was a perfect blending of “us”, serving and enjoying one another. Just as an anniversary should be. :-)

Dinner menu and a yummy surprise.

My new recipe: Caprese Chicken with Balsamic Reduction

Adam's surprise to me: mini-golf and The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX!!

The first course was Invaders from Planet Putt where we were almost abducted and eaten by cute little aliens. 

The second course was the Haunting of Ghostly Greens. Adam enjoyed the misting fans and I found a cuddly ghost.

Cooling off with a slurpie (him) and a frap (me) before our IMAX movie.

We ended the night with dinner at The Cheesecake Factory where we set aside most of our dietary principles and indulged in a slice of Reese's Peanut Butter Cheesecake (me) and a slice of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake (him). The perfect finale to a perfect day! :-)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Photo Friday // Sponsorship

This is Abdukalam, the little boy we sponsor in India through World Vision. Except, he really isn't that little anymore!

This summer Abdu (as his family calls him) turned 12.

Every year I receive an annual report listing his favorite activities and what he is doing in school. I also receive a photo so I can watch him grow.

I remember the first photo, the one I fell in love with when I selected him as "my" child. He was only 5 and had the cutest mischievous grin! While each annual photo is a treasure, most have been of him in plain poses with more serious expressions.

Until this year, when I got the one above of him holding a cricket paddle. It was fun to read his yearly report which listed cricket as his favorite game, and with the photo, I could even imagine him playing it.

The photo stays on our refrigerator to serve as a reminder to pray for Abdu, his family and his community. World Vision is working hard in his community to make sure the families have clean water, good education and various sources of income. And they are also doing what they can to share the love of God with the people they serve. I wish I could do more, but then thank God there are organizations like World Vision that are able to connect with people in ways I cannot from half a world away.

Sometimes it feels like it is just a photo on the fridge, but then I remember it represents God's presence in Abdulkalam's life...and His presence is never a trivial thing.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Homemade Cream Lotion

It has been awhile since I posted about my steps to natural living. A couple of months ago, I got a little burned out trying so many different things…and many of them failing. But I knew I wouldn’t give up – just needed a break.

So now I am back to experimenting. Recently, I decided to try a recipe for homemade cream lotion. I’ve been loving my homemade hard lotion bars, but sometimes I prefer something I can just squirt on and rub in. I know my husband prefers this too, so I wanted to find something we would both use.

I happened upon this Easy Beeswax Lotion recipe from ASonoma Garden blog. Of course, I adapted it a little…all credit goes to the original post, but here is what I did:

Cream Lotion Recipe
½ cup Almond oil
¼ cup Coconut oil
¼ cup beeswax 
(if you want to use the lotion in a pump bottle, reduce the beeswax by about 1 TBSP)

1. Combine all the above ingredients together in a half-pint mason jar. Set the jar in a pot of water, with the water coming only ¾ of the way up the side of the jar. Be careful to not get water in your jar. (Water encourages bacteria growth.)

2. Heat the pot at medium/low heat. Stir contents occasionally until melted.

3. Once it is melted, leave the jar at room temperature to cool. Or speed up the cooling by placing in the fridge. Stir the contents with a fork every 10 minutes or so while it is cooling.

Note: If you want to use the lotion in a pump bottle, pour the melted mixture into the bottle and let it cool there. I re-purposed a used glass pump bottle for my lotion. 

The lotion will be a little greasy, so give it time to absorb into the skin well. This is NOT like store-bought hand cream or pump lotion, but I love that it is only three all-natural ingredients that are great for the skin!  The coconut oil is the strongest part of the scent - it is easy to add essential oils (like the original recipe) if you want to change it up.

Next time, I might experiment with leaving the coconut oil out and using shea butter instead. It might be creamier and less greasy? We’ll see…

Monday, August 13, 2012

Deals // Operation Christmas Child

Here are some more great deals for Operation Christmas Child. My favorite this week is for Toys R Us…

(Note: All sales and coupon match-ups are adapted from Please check your local ad before shopping!)

**HOT **
Maybe get some free toys or school supplies!

$3 RR WYB 2 Oral Care products
o  Crest Toothpaste, 5.8-6.2 oz, $3
-$1 off Crest toothpaste, 4 oz +, from coupon booklet on product
-.75/1 Crest toothpaste, 4 oz+, PG 7/29
(use (2) $1 off, makes it 50¢ ea.)
o  Oral-B Complete Toothbrush, $3
-.50/1 Oral B Stages manual toothbrush, excl trial size, PG 7/29
(use (2) .50/1, makes it $1 ea.)
o  Wrigley’s 5 or Orbit Gum, 39¢ w/ in-ad coupon
o  Crayola Crayons, 24 pk., 99¢
o  Paper Mate Profile Retractable Pen, 2 pk., 79¢ w/ in-ad coupon, limit 3
o  Wexford Pencil Sharpener, 39¢ w/ in-ad coupon
o  Wexford Highlighter, 19¢ w/ in-ad coupon

o  RoseArt Colored Pencils, 12 ct., 52¢
-$1/3 RoseArt products, RP 7/29
-$1/3 RoseArt products printable
(makes it 19¢ ea.)
o  Fruit of the Loom Socks, 6+2 pk., $5.50
-$5/3 Fruit of the Loom Underwear or Socks Target In-Ad Coupon 8/12 (EXP 8/18)
(makes it $3.84 ea.)
o  Fruit of the Loom Boys Crew T-Shirts or Girls Underwear, 5+2 or 9+2 pk., $6
-$5/3 Fruit of the Loom Underwear or Socks Target In-Ad Coupon 8/12 (EXP 8/18)
(makes it $4.44 ea.)

o  Sharpie All Singles, 25¢, limit 3
o  Schoolio Colored Pencils, 12 pk., 25¢, limit 2
o  Just Basics #2 Pencils, 12 pk., 25¢, limit 3
o  Just Basics and OfficeMax Ballpoint Pens, $12.99, limit 2
-$12.98 in MaxPerks Bonus Rewards
o  Duracell CopperTop AA or AAA batteries, 20 pk., $16.99, limit 2
-$16.98 in MaxPerks Bonus Rewards
-.75/1 Duracell Coppertop, excl trial size, PG 7/29

Friday, August 10, 2012

Photo Friday // Flowers from My Adam

Last weekend Adam and I went grocery shopping together. In the midst of getting all the things on our list, he surprised me by asking if I would like to pick out a bouquet of flowers. Yes, I would love to!

He helped me choose, pointing out which ones looked best and had the potential for lasting the longest. Before I knew him, he worked at a florist. It comes in handy for keeping flowers around longer than I manage on my own!

Here is the beautiful bunch we decided on together. (Anyone know what the speckled ones are?)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Deals // Operation Christmas Child & Back-to-School

This is my second post listing great deals for Operation Christmas Child shoe box items. Now is the time to take advantage of those back-to-school sales and grab items for FREE or cheap!

If you are wondering what all this is about, check out my first post about OCC HERE.

(Remember: Most deals listed are adapted from of my favorite coupon sites!)

Happy Shopping!
PUBLIX (prices good through August 7 or 8)
o  Crayola Crayons, 24 ct., 33¢
o  Dixon Pencils, 10 ct., 33¢
o  Paper Mate Write Bros Ball Point Pen, 10 ct., 50¢

o  RoseArt Markers or Colored Pencils, 10 or 12 ct., 49¢ PLUS Free Crayons, 24 ct., WYB (1)
(Use -$1/3 RoseArt products coupon in Red Plum insert from 7/29)
o  Up & Up Plastic or Wood Ruler 49¢
o  Sterlite Pencil Case, 49¢
o  Up & Up Index Cards, 100 ct., 49¢

o  Wexford or Penway Mini Memo or Composition Book, 3.5-4×6 in. 50-80 sheets, 16¢
o  Wooden Ruler, 19¢ w/ in-ad coupon, limit 3
o  Wexford Cap Erasers 15 pk. or Pink Erasers, 2 pk., 29¢ w/ in-ad coupon, limit 3
o  Bic Cristal Bold Pens, 10 pk., 49¢ w/ in-ad coupon, limit 3
(Use -$1/2 Bic Stationery coupon in SmartSource insert from 7/29)
o  Sharpie Markers, 2 pk., 79¢ w/ in-ad coupon, limit 3
o  Wexford Twistable Highlighters 3 pk., Rectractable Gel Pens 4 pk. or Mechanical Pencils with Refills, 3 pk., 99¢ w/ in-ad coupon, limit 3
o  Wexford Carry-All Pouch, 99¢ w/ in-ad coupon, limit 3
o  Designer Pencils, 13¢ w/ in-ad coupon, limit 16

o  Staples Translucent Pencil Box, assorted colors, 50¢, limit 2
o  BIC Velocity Retractable Gel Pens – Black, 2 pk., 25¢, limit 2

o  Plastic Protractor 5c
o  Schoolio Washable Classic Markers 25c
o  Just Basics Pink Erasers 3pk 25c
o  Papermate Mechanical Pencils 10pk  75c